Flip Cheap Houses
FLIP CHEAP HOUSES ™ is an easy, online software that allows you to search for the high equity, vacant properties in your area.
Real Estate Sales LLC and Flip Cheap Houses is a complete real estate sales system. Instead of spending countless hours driving around mindlessly looking for vacant property and then going down to the local county court house thumbing through piles of documents; we have taken thousands of hours of work and condensed it down in seconds.
Resulting in quick and actionable results that create profits – faster. We buy multiple data streams from multiple sources, aggregate them, combine them and filter them.
Whether you’re a wholesaler, rehabber or landlord real estate investor, you know that “you make your money when you buy the house.”
You also know that the best deals come from truly motivated sellers, otherwise they’d sell at market prices with realtors.
We identify these properties in all 3000 counties throughout the country, their owners and contact records for you so that you can zero in on the best deals before your competition does
And with a monthly updated list of vacant properties with high equity, you’ll never run out of leads.
Vacant house owners are losing money. They need to rent it or sell it. If you’re not there to help them out, then your competition will be.
If you feel that you are interested in Real Estate Investing, and need more info, you can also contact us by using the info below:
Real Estate Sales LLC
Address: 410 S Rampart Blvd STE 360 Las Vegas, NV 89145-5730
Phone: (702) 249-0982
Phone: 1-800-644-1630
Text: 402-676-5720
Email: Brian@FlipCheapHouses.com
Students Success Stories: https://www.realestatesalesllc.com/category/reviews