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5 ways to Become Hyper-Relevant so you List, Sell and Rent More Property

list sell rent propertyWe know that it’s generally everyone’s mission to grow their business and make it the best it can possibly be! Who wouldn’t want to list, sell and rent more property!? However, without being hyper-relevant to your mission, your desires to stand out from the others will fail.

Hyper-relevant means that others will value you as the expert and they’ll trust you more than your competitors and the average person.

They are going to hold you to higher standards and they’ll expect you to know more than the other guy. Therefore, you will have their ultimate trust that you can get the job done right. When this happens, more of your prospects will call you.

    1. Written words have power! However, sadly most managers and real estate agents cringe at the thought of writing anything longer than a description. Start writing from the very beginning to make it a habit. Write blogs, newspaper ads, write in a journal, etc. Be creative and get your ideas, thoughts, and words out on paper. Your written words will help you accomplish great things!
    2. Build strong relationships with established people in the industry and with potential prospects. Trust is built through getting to know one another, you want others to see your values. What can you bring to the table? How do you demonstrate your values? How do you communicate with your future landlords and prospects? People want evidence of your skills and values. Creating a blog can be the first step in building strong relationships. Create a blog that is personal to you that demonstrates your abilities and values.
    3. Set high standards for what you look for and want. Don’t settle for anything less than what your standards are. Not only should you set standards for what you look for, you should also set higher standards for yourself. Keep yourself accountable always and strive to be the best you that you can be. Think about what skills and traits you have and what skills and traits you would like to have. If you want to be successful and accomplish more, you’ll have to consistently outperform the older versions of you. Be better than you were in the past. If you can successfully communicate your traits and your actions align with those traits, you will have no problem building relationship and establishing trust with your consumers.
    4. Remove the fear of sharing your knowledge. Some people believe sharing their knowledge makes them dispensable and vulnerable, but if you think about it with all the technology that is out there, most people will be able to find the info for themselves anyway. So, share what you know and others are going to do the same in return. Don’t you want to learn from others? So why wouldn’t you teach others what you know?
    5. Think of what you want to accomplish long term. Keep track of what works and what doesn’t work. Try new things and don’t settle for old ways.

There you have it; these are the 5 tips to help you become hyper-relevant. Now get out there and start to list, sell and rent more property!

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