Real Estate Sales Blog

Sep 25 Real Estate Business

When building a real estate business you need to be sure you have a business plan in place and have goals for your entity. When starting any business, you need a mentor, someone that you can go to with any and all questions you may have, this couldn’t be any more true than in real… Read more

Sep 22 Duplex vs single family home

What is the better investment: a duplex or a single family home? The answer depends on the investor, both have their benefits and drawbacks. A duplex can be a tremendous investment for a buy and hold and can cash flow that much better than a single family home as you have two units instead of… Read more

Sep 21 Ethics of foreclosure

One of the most difficult ethical dilemmas facing real estate investors is the morals with negotiating with an owner facing a foreclosure. Are you helping the motivated seller or are you a vulture seeking to make a dollar on the misfortune of an individual. It’s important to always be respectful with your clients and treat… Read more

Sep 19 Mobile homes

Most people have negative thoughts when discussing mobile homes. This is a shame as mobile homes can be very nice and are homes that some folks take great pride in. I know plenty of investors that have made a small fortune investing in mobile homes. There are many benefits associated with mobile homes The most… Read more

Sep 17 Choosing a property

The main reason most folks invest in real estate is for the returns, which include cash flow and appreciation of property. Real estate is an asset that has the ability to produce monthly income and gain substantial profits on sale or refinance of the property. A few things to consider when Choosing a property If… Read more

Sep 15 Real Estate investment trusts

If you are looking to get into Real Estate but need a low cost entry option Real Estate Investment Trusts  (REIT) may be the best strategy. What are Real Estate Investment Trusts? REIT’s are for profit companies that own and operate different types of property, like shopping centers, apartments, office buildings, hotels, medical facilities, rental… Read more

Sep 13 HUD homes

HUD homes can be bought at hugely discounted prices, the key is to know what you are buying and to buy the property at the lowest possible price. HUD Homes  – where can you find them? An investor’s search for HUD homes begins at the following website: While it’s true that HUD homes can… Read more

Sep 11 Foreclosed home – do your diligence before buying a foreclosed home

Foreclosed home investments. Many folks believe that a foreclosed home is the best deals out there. This is debatable at the very least, nonetheless one can definitely find great deals on foreclosed homes. There are many different resources where an investor can find these foreclosures, those range from your local county courthouse, a bank, a real estate… Read more

Sep 09 Property Search

Property Search: The most important component of Real Estate investing is knowing what you are looking for and where you are looking to buy. I have come across way too many folks who want to get in the game of investing but have no idea of what they are looking for. It is vital to… Read more

Aug 31 Want success? No More Excuses

Success? We all have 86,400 seconds in the day to work with! There is always tomorrow and I am waiting for the right time. There is always an excuse! It will never be the right time if we wait for the right time. NOW is the time! You are Phenomenal NOW! Learning to live outside… Read more