Real Estate Sales Blog

Aug 29 Being Ridiculous

When you listen to someone with millions of dollars, do you think they sound ridiculous? Do they sound like they are living the life of “Pete’s Dragon”, always thinking that it was an unattainable goal to make millions dollars? The thought that anyone that did make millions personally was ridiculous and wasteful. Do you still… Read more

Aug 27 The Importance of Systems in your Real Estate Business

Organization is the key to any real estate business. If you don’t believe me, just start your own business and talk to me in 6 weeks and I assure you that you will agree with my assessment. Having systems in place is paramount when running your own business, especially in real estate business. Having systems… Read more

Aug 24 5 Obstacles that can occur before closing a real estate deal

Closings are usually 30 days from when the purchase/sales agreement is signed. Many things can happen during this time period to delay or complicate matters. The most important piece of advice I could give you is to always keep your cool and stay positive. Remember to always check in with your closing attorney, buyer and/or… Read more

Aug 17 Basic rules with buying properties

I have a few basic rules with buying properties that I’ve established over the years working at Real Estate Sales LLC. Below  you can find the basic rules with buying properties One of them being: If you wouldn’t let your wife and kids move into it without you….DON’T BUY IT! As you never know when… Read more

Aug 15 Importance of personalization when speaking to motivated sellers

When speaking with a motivated seller you must have an outline of what needs to be covered. I have five steps that guide my conversation with motivated sellers. Those 5 steps prior to speaking with motivated sellers are: introduction and build rapport Get property information Find out seller motivation Price and If they are motivated… Read more

Aug 11 What is the Problem to be Solved for the Customer

There are many important steps to closing a real estate deal but none is more vital than building rapport with your motivated seller and cash buyer. Too many folks expect real estate to be automated and a numbers again, unfortunately it is not that simple. While of course it is important to be able to… Read more

Aug 07 What your Real Estate Investing Coaching “Programs” Don’t want you to know

I have worked with several investors that have been in the Real Estate Investing game for many years. When I first started as a newbie, the one thing that was very obvious was they were all unique in their own way. I am not talking about their personalities or their looks, even though they were… Read more